Final preparations for North America

I am now just a couple of weeks away from travelling to North America for the first time. I will be flying to New York and heading in a anti-clockwise direction through Canada, before coming back into the USA. In total I will pass through over 10 cities in the North East region of North America over a 2 week period as a group, before exploring New York on my own on the final day. Tour Map. The outbound flight from the UK I managed to get one of the extra leg room seats, but on the return flight I was unable to as they were already taken. So hopefully I can get some sleep on the way back to make it go a little bit faster. As always while I am away I will be taking plenty of footage to create YouTube videos when I get home. I have already created the templates for the video thumbnails to save time, but I still need to find some music, which always seems to be one of the hardest parts about creating them. Another one of the challenges I am likely to face on this particular tour...